Sunday, August 23, 2009


This is a small message for someone out there,
I am sick of hearing what you all complaining about each other,
I cant believe that you all say that,
if you love each other you wont say all that,
what's the use of keep saying that both of your distance is getting further apart,
what's the use of keep saying that your relationship is going to an end,
let me tell you.............
if you don't go and try to make you relationship closer,
if you don't go try as hard as you can to maintain it,
go beyond you limit,
then please , please just forget about it,
it show that you are not a good partner,
and most of all you doesn't deserve it ( the love between each other)
and your partner doesn't deserve the pain you are giving,
and if you want to go this end of the story, you will never find love again,
because you are not an understanding person and most of all you are not a good lover.

love requires sacrifices

before i end this,
i hope you all find a way to continue you relationship,
to go the other way of the story,and that will be ''happily ever after''
wish you guy good luck and hope you all make it and be two lovey couple.

Saturday, August 8, 2009


Days have passed,
staying in my room,
looking through the window,
staring at the moving clouds,
nothing else to do,
just thinking about you.

Even though the days have passed,
weathers have changed,
the trees bloom and wilt,
the flower's buds bloom and wilt again,
the clouds always changing,
but,i will not stop thinking about you.

Nature always changes,
from spring to summer,summer to fall,
fall to winter and winter to spring again,
mother nature just loves to change,
why can't she just stop at fall,
the season that we first met.

I was sitting on a bench in the park,
and you walked pass with your friends,
"wow, she's an angel"that's what i thought of you,
when you walk it's like you're flying with angel's wings,
every step you take, flowers bloom along you,
there is no doubt, that you came from heaven.

where time have stopped,
leaves paused in mid air,
people became statues,
time stopped,
to let me enjoy your beauty, again and again.

Eyes which sparkle, day and night,
lips as red as cherry,
hair as smooth as you skin,
smile which warms my heart,
laughter that awakes my inner soul,
brings me back to life to enjoy it with you.

A Tree

Standing alone in a middle of
a third world country,
The place you only see
the darkness of a lifeless place,
People living along the streets
without care and love.
I can see everything at this height,
that's my advantage but also a disadvantage,
looking at the crime happening and can't help them.
It's like a thousand swords cutting through my heart.

Then, I see a young women holding a baby,
looking straight into my eyes.
She is shivering in that thin cloth.
She climbs up to me but keep falling down,
she didn't give up, she touches my heart.
My white fluffy tears start falling down.
She pick it up,
for er child but not for herself.
She sits next to me,shivering.
All I can do is stand there,
looking and staring at them,
thinking, there is nothing else I can do for them.