Sunday, February 27, 2011

lose and gain

Sometimes ...
when you lose something ,
you gain something ,
but you don't realise it .

Sometimes ...
when you gain something ,
you lose something ,
but you don't realise it .

When you lose ... you are so focus on what you have lost ,
and never look around and realise you actually gain something .

same , when you gain something .

Sometimes , we never see clearly ,
something is blocking us ,
and that something is our mindset ,

It's our human nature , that we look at things with only one way ,
but then if we look with not our eyes but with our mind ,
but with the wrong mindset is useless .

Using our mind , looking at things that we didn't see before ,
knowing yourself better , and knowing the world better .

When you lose ,
think of what you gain , isn't worth it ? isn't it good ?

When you gain ,
think of what you lose to achieve it , isn't worth it ? isn't it good ?

Nothing is perfect ,
but it is good to know ...

asking for perfection , is not wrong ...
always trying to achieve it , is a good thing ..
it helps us to improve ..

but remember , when things go wrong ..
don't blame yourself too much ,
remember , nothing is perfect ,
and remember ,
always stand up , put your head up , and continue walking the road .

Nothing is perfect ,

therefore there is no perfect lost ,
you have to find what you gain with you mind not your eyes ,
because the most priceless thing in the world cant be seen .

there is no perfect gain too ,
you have to appreciate what you have when you have it .
you will lose something on the way ,
but remember isn't worth it ..

Money is not everything , the most important thing to everyone is always priceless ..
lost or gain , is not about money ,

Sometimes .. its about the people around you ,
your friends , your family , your love ones ,
it's about the things you have in your heart and mind ,
your memories , your love , your time ..

Sometimes , Something , Someone , is what you needed the most .. and not money ..

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